159 Listings



Beds: 2 Baths: 1 Car Park: 1
Beds: 2 Baths: 1 Car Park: 1



Beds: 4 Baths: 2 Car Park: 2
Beds: 4 Baths: 2 Car Park: 2



Beds: 4 Baths: 1 Car Park: 1
Beds: 4 Baths: 1 Car Park: 1

If you are a property investor looking for quality property managers in Port Douglas and the Douglas Shire region, then look no further than the experts at Property Shop Port Douglas and Mossman. We are the leading agency in Port Douglas and Mossman for Property Management with a property management portfolio of 400+ properties and long-standing relationships with investors and property owners. You can trust us with your investment as our property managers are all seasoned professionals with a wealth of local experience who will take care of your property as if it were their own.

Our Port Douglas and Mossman real estate agents have helped dozens of investors optimise their returns within this region. Our excellent track record is thanks to the trust we build between ourselves and different investors. Whether you live in the Douglas shire, want to lease out a Far North Queensland holiday home, or want to capitalise on the great investment opportunities in the Port Douglas real estate market, we work hard to minimise your stress and maximise your results.

We encourage you to browse through our current list of houses for rent in Mossman and Port Douglas. We prioritise low vacancy rates, relying on our exceptional insight on local market trends to create tailored marketing campaigns that reliably get you the best tenants for your properties. We negotiate leases that work towards your goals by giving you the financial security and steady income that makes your investment worth it.

Our Port Douglas real estate agents value outstanding communication with both investors and their tenants. If we manage one of your investment properties, then we will consistently keep you updated on the state of the property, any maintenance requests brought up by tenants, and any other important information regarding your tenants. And if you are a tenant, then our property managers will quickly respond to any requests or issues you bring up, while always using the best service workers in the region to undertake any maintenance or repair works.

Real estate in Mossman and Port Douglas are both filled with great opportunities for property investors. Our team of property managers, including Senior Property Manager Monica Stievano, will ensure that your investment is being well taken care of, while ensuring you are getting the maximum returns at all times.

To hire our property managers, contact our offices today.


What types of houses are for rent in Mossman?

There are two primary rentals offered in Mossman: houses and units. While units tend to be found closer to the centre of town, many of the houses in Mossman are still a short walk to all of your amenities. If you’re interested in looking at our houses for rent Mossman, take a look at our current properties on our For Rent page.

How should I prepare my Mossman rental property?

When it comes time to open up your Mossman property to inspections from prospective tenants, there are a few boxes you need to tick. You need to make sure that both the exterior and interior of the property is looking tidy, any major or minor repairs have been undertaken, and that you have made the property pet-friendly to make it as inviting as possible to a wide range of tenants. The number one thing you can do to make your Mossman rental property market-ready is to hire an expert, local property manager from Property Shop to help you throughout the process.

What recent policy changes have there been for maintenance and rental properties?

In 2022, the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 was given a new section that allowed tenants to apply to a tribunal for any maintenance requests that hadn’t been dealt with after a sufficient period of time. If the tribunal finds these requests to be valid, then landlords are legally obligated to carry out the repairs. If you want to learn more about the policy changes for maintenance and rental properties, then we have you covered.

Is it worth investing in Port Douglas real estate?

If you have been looking for a slightly alternative market to expand your investment portfolio, then you can’t go too wrong with Port Douglas as a location. Despite being a smaller town, Port Douglas has a range of great property investment opportunities for investors, thanks to its employment possibilities, sea-change lifestyle, and desirable tropical setting. If you are thinking about investing in Port Douglas real estate, and you choose to partner with the experts at Property Shop, then you won’t be disappointed.

Should I invest in a Port Douglas beach house?

Port Douglas is a great town to invest in a beach house, but it’s important you are fully aware of some of the potential drawbacks of owning a holiday home. If you plan to lease out your Port Douglas beach house, then you need to understand that there will be long vacancies outside of the peak holiday period. If you are comfortable to cover the costs of these long months of inactivity, then having a beach house in Port Douglas will mean that you and your family always have a great vacation destination up your sleeves.

When should I consider changing property managers?

If you ever feel like your property manager isn’t optimising the value of your Port Douglas rental property, then it may be time for a change. If you are experiencing longer vacancies than you would like, there are constant miscommunications between you and your property manager, or they are putting too many responsibilities on your shoulders, then changing property managers will most likely provide you with the solution you have been looking for.

How should I prepare my investment for the Port Douglas rental property market?

The best way to make sure your Port Douglas rental property is market-ready is to hire a professional, local property manager who will take care of most of the key responsibilities. From organising the right service providers to tidy up the property to creating a tailored marketing campaign to get the word out there, a local property manager will help you get the most out of the Port Douglas rental property market.

What are the main reasons for buying a Mossman investment property?

There are two primary rentals offered in Mossman: houses and units. While units tend to be found closer to the centre of town, many of the houses in Mossman are still a short walk to all of your amenities. If you’re interested in looking at our houses for rent Mossman, take a look at our current properties on our For Rent page.